Greywater Wetland
From Living Building Science
This page will describe the goals of the Greywater Wetland team as part of Georgia Tech's Living Building Science VIP Team. This subteam focuses on analyzing the efficiency of the greywater filtering system of the constructed wetland located at the front of the Kendeda Living Building, and using geochemical analysis to assess the efficiency of filtering of the building's greywater.
System of Study
The greywater system filters greywater from the Kendeda Building, and it releases the water back into the groundwater reservoirs. Greywater from the Kendeda Building includes water from sinks, showers, and water fountains. First, greywater is collected in a large cistern that is located in the back of the Kendeda Building. There, the greywater is stored temporarily. Water is gradually pumped uphill to the constructed wetland that is located in the front of the Kendeda Building. The water moves through the wetland horizontally and the water is filtered naturally by using sediment, gravel, and local aquatic plants. List of plants in the constructed wetland :
- Sphoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Softstem Bulrush Pontederia cordata Pickerelweed Typha latifolia Broadleaf Cattail Arisaema triphyllum Jack in the Pulpit Lysmachia terrestris Swamp Candle