Air Quality
From Living Building Science
The Living Building Standard
The Living Building Challenge for sustainable design requires that Kendeda meet requirements of seven performance areas or Petals: (1) Place, (2) Water, (3) Energy, (4) Health and Happiness, (5) Materials, (6) Equity, and (7) Beauty. The Energy, Health and Happiness, and Materials Petals address different efforts towards clean air in Kendeda's urban setting.
Energy Petal
The building is designed to reduce air infiltration and has operable windows that can be opened or closed depending on the outdoor temperature, humidity, and pollen count.
Health and Happiness Petal
The standard requires a Health Indoor Environment Plan which focuses on preventing and minimizing indoor pollutants. Some of its requirements include compliance with EPA's Safer Choice standard, materials that emit low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc. It also utilizes a Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) which allows for a large amount of outdoor air to circulate through the building to occupants.
About this subteam:
The Kendeda Building and its founders have made it their mission to provide its occupants and visitors with the highest standards of environmental health, yet little is known about the indoor and outdoor air quality. How the air quality index (AQI) surrounding and inside of the Kendeda Building compared to other spaces around campus is a vital in our research project. Particulate matter is a mixture of solid particles suspended in the air that consists of dust, smoke, and other organic and inorganic compounds. In order to understand the impact high levels of particulate matter has on people inside and outside the building, we need to have an idea of the current levels and future levels. Therefore, our research team aims to address indoor and outdoor air quality levels on Georgia Tech’s campus, specifically at the Kendeda Building and Clough Undergraduate Learning Commons.
Team Members
Name | Major | Years Active |
Nicole Romer | Environmental Engineering | 2019-Present |
Teisha Griffin | Biology | 2019-Present |
Caroline Miley | Environmental Engineering | 2019-Present |
Ella Stewart | Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | 2019-Present |