Integrated Science Education @ Georgia Tech


Relevant Biology Research

GMO Debate

A common complaint among non-majors taking introductory lab science courses is that they don't see how the subject matter applies to their lives. In BIOL 1520, Organismal Biology, students learn about the biological basis for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and then use peer-reviewed and popular media sources to debate the pros and cons of GMO foods. The "debate lab" is an effective way to engage majors and non-majors alike and integrate science with concepts from other fields.

Forming Student Groups the Smart Way

student group

Students taking BIOL 1510 - Biological Principles this semester are giving group presentations about recent research articles that relate to the material in the course. One of the logistical challenges to implementing group projects is forming the groups themselves. Drs. Jung Choi and Chrissy Spencer are using, a free tool developed at Purdue University, to help form groups in their class. I've asked a Dr. Choi a few questions about why they decided to use CATME.